Why Recycled Tires Are Revolutionizing the Industry

Why Recycled Tires Are Revolutionizing The Industry

Recycled tires are everywhere, even in ways you might not expect. Right now, you could be using products made from old tire rubber.

The versatility and eco-friendliness of recycled tires are transforming industries and making a big impact on our daily lives. Explore our blog to discover more about how recycled tires revolutionize various sectors and how you can contribute to this sustainable movement.

Why Recycling Tires Are Very Important

Recycled Tires At A Market

Due to their sustainability and versatility, recycled tires are becoming a game-changer in various industries. Tire recycling is important, as millions of scrap tires generated annually pose significant environmental challenges.

Recycling these tires reduces landfill waste and provides valuable materials for various applications. Recycled tires are now widely used in sectors such as rubber-modified asphalt for roads, which offers a durable and cost-effective solution, and in playground surfaces and sports fields, such as rubber mulch, for enhanced safety and durability. They are also used to produce rubber curb ramps, providing a practical solution for smoother transitions and vehicle protection.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, over 80% of scrap tires are recycled in the U.S., highlighting the effectiveness of tire recycling programs. This recycling effort significantly reduces landfill waste, as tires can take hundreds of years to decompose, and supports the use of recycled tires in civil engineering projects and as tire-derived fuel, thereby minimizing reliance on non-renewable resources.

5 Reasons Why Recycled Tires Are Revolutionizing the Industry

Tires For Sale At A Tire Store

The use of recycled tires is gaining traction due to its wide range of advantages. Here are five key reasons why this practice is changing the industry.

1. Recycled Tires Minimize Rubber Consumption

Using recycled tires helps reduce the demand for new rubber. A fun fact is that more than 70 percent of our new rubber supply is dedicated solely to tire production, and the remaining 30 percent is used for items like rubber bands, floor mats, and engine belts.

Scrap tires are processed into crumb rubber and used in products like playground surfaces and sports fields. This approach conserves natural rubber resources, which are finite and environmentally taxing to harvest.

Read More: What Is Crumb Rubber And How It Is Made?

By repurposing recycled tires into various rubber products, we reduce our excessive latex harvesting from rubber trees and decrease the production of petroleum-based synthetic rubber. By incorporating recycled rubber products into manufacturing, industries can lessen their dependence on raw materials, promoting more sustainable production practices.

2. Recycled Tires Lower Production Costs

Incorporating recycled tires into manufacturing processes can significantly cut costs. Producing new rubber requires extensive resources and energy. However, recycling rubber from old tires is less resource-intensive.

For example, rubber-modified asphalt uses crumb rubber from used tires, which is cheaper than traditional asphalt. Similarly, rubber curb ramps, made from recycled tires, offer a cost-effective alternative to brand-new rubber. This cost-saving measure benefits companies and consumers, making products more affordable without compromising quality.

3. Recycled Tires Promote Eco-Friendliness

Recycling tires have a profound environmental impact. Tire waste poses a serious problem, with millions of waste tires ending up in landfills yearly.

By recycling these tires, you can reduce this waste and its associated environmental hazards. The Environmental Protection Agency supports tire recycling initiatives, recognizing their role in reducing landfill volume and preventing pollution.

Tires recycled as rubber products also contribute to eco-friendly construction practices, such as using tire-derived aggregate in civil engineering projects.

4. Recycled Tires Support Circular Economy Initiatives

The concept of a circular economy involves reusing materials to create a closed-loop system. Tire recycling is a perfect example of this model.

By transforming waste tires into new products, industries keep materials in use for longer, reducing the need for new resources. This practice supports sustainability and economic stability, as materials are continuously repurposed.

Tire-derived products, such as rubber mulch, exemplify how recycling can extend the lifecycle of materials, promoting a more sustainable economy.

5. Recycled Tires Boost Employment

The tire recycling industry also generates employment opportunities. Collecting, processing, and repurposing scrap tires require skilled labor.

As tire recycling becomes more prevalent, new jobs are created in various sectors, from manufacturing to civil engineering projects. This employment boost supports local economies and provides workers with stable, meaningful jobs. Investing in tire recycling contributes to economic growth and job creation.

Market Development and Opportunities

The market for recycled tires is expanding rapidly. As awareness of environmental issues grows, industries are seeking sustainable alternatives. Tire recycling is at the forefront of this movement, providing materials for construction, manufacturing, and energy production.

Companies that adopt tire recycling benefit from cost savings and gain a competitive edge by appealing to eco-conscious consumers. Opportunities abound in sectors like civil engineering, where tire-derived aggregate and rubber-modified asphalt are becoming standard materials.

What Smooth Curb Ramp is Made For

Rubber Crumb From An Old Torn Car Tire In A Man's Hand

The Smooth Curb Ramp is an excellent example of how recycled tires can be effectively repurposed. These ramps are made from crumb rubber derived from used tires and are durable and cost-efficient, providing smooth transitions on driveways.

They are particularly useful for creating accessible pathways and driveways. By using recycled rubber, these ramps reduce the need for new rubber and help manage tire waste. This approach underscores the practical benefits of recycling rubber, contributing to both environmental protection and economic efficiency.


Recycled tires are revolutionizing the industry by minimizing rubber consumption, lowering production costs, promoting eco-friendliness, supporting circular economy initiatives, and boosting employment.

These benefits highlight the importance of tire recycling in creating a more sustainable and economically viable future. As industries continue to adopt these practices, the positive impacts will only grow, making recycled tires a cornerstone of modern sustainability efforts.

Visit our website to learn more about the Smooth Curb driveway ramp. We recommend reading our blog posts, “Going Green with Smooth Curb Recycled Rubber Ramps” and “Where Do Old Tires Go: Guide To Disposal And Recycling Practices.”

We hope you find this information enlightening and that it inspires you to make sustainable choices in your daily life. Contact us for any product-related concerns; we’re excited to share more insights and look forward to your continued interest in our upcoming posts.

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